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Dua For Good Memory And Intelligence

Dua For Good Memory And Intelligence will provide you increasing intelligence and Having A Good Memory. If you want Concentration In Studies then use our dua for Memory Improvement and Become More Intelligent. Our dua will increase your Brain Power make you Smartness, if you want to Have An Intelligent Baby then also our dua do it. So why you are waiting use our dua for A Sharp Mind and Becoming Active.

Use Dua for having good memory can increasing intelligence brain power smartness sharp mind for becoming active baby and need memory improvement for concentration in studies. Dua For Good Memory And Intelligence, Mankind, like all other beings,was put on earth to evolve.

Powerful Wazifa For Urgent Hajat In 1 Day

We all come to existence as a young infant and grow in this world to be an adult man. Same is the story for every other being on this planet. Evolving, therefore, is a natural instinct of every being. Allah, therefore, favors the ones who stay on his path and are in constant pursuit of achieving greatness.

Dua For Good Memory And Intelligence

Dua For Good Memory And Intelligence


One of the stages of evolving into a better self than what one was before, is by way of growing once intelligence. This intrinsic desire in us has kept us going for so long since genesis. Naturally, many of us strive to excel in our fields of work and study. Intelligence, therefore, is a pursuit of life and if you are making it your goal know that Allah is on your side and has given ways to achieve your goal by way of the dua for good memory and intelligence.

Dua for boosting memory

A sound intelligence and a good memory help you in every walk of life. Whether it’s personal or professional front, that you are dealing with, you can use the power of a strong memory and great intelligence almost every phase of your daily life. So, if you are willing to push yourself for a better version of you, then use the dua for boosting memory.

Strongest Wazifa For Hajat

Especially, students are driven to excel in studies given the nature of education. With the pressure being always there on scoring high marks, the need for better memory and stronger intelligence becomes critical. Students irrespective of gender can perform the dua for good memory and intelligence.

Even in the case of professional careers, especially those who are seeking advanced studies for high-end professional career often need to rely heavily on their memory. However, with age everyone’s memory grows weaker. You can rekindle your powerful memory strength by using the dua for boosting memory.

For those who work for a livelihood, the job world has changed a lot over recent years. With layoffs and rejections, every individual is under the constant pressure of earning a livelihood.

Dua for sharpening memory

The challenging economic phase of the modern world has made one thing more evident that only the fittest will survive and to be fit, one needs to be the smartest among the group. You can achieve job security and even excel at work when you improve your intelligence and memory by using the dua for good memory and intelligence.

Sharp memory and good intelligence even help improve interpersonal skills with loved ones as well as others. Often most of the human conflicts are a result of an agitated response to a situation and misconstrued perception of another person’s action.

But with intelligence, such trivial conflicts that lead to causing havoc in relationships can be avoided. Use the dua for sharpening memory to evolve into a better person.


The following ritual must be done as soon as you wake up and before you go to bed.

  1. As always, before you make dua, you must do wuzu
  2. Pick a quiet place, without any distractions and sit in a prayer posture, to begin with, the dua for sharpening memory.
  3. Place your palms on your thighs, close your eyes and chant the dua given below.

salla-l-laahualaamuhammadwaaal-e muhammad. allahummainnias’alukayaamudhakkira-l khayrwafaa’ilahuwa-l-aamimirabihidhakir-nimaaansaani-hi-shaytan

  1. Take a deep conscious breath as you chant the above dua.
  2. Then chant “YaQawiyo” continuously for 101 times and blow on a glass of water. You need to drink this glass of water after your morning ritual.
  3. Finally, before you end your day, recite the following dua

rabbishrah lee sadreewayassir lee amreewahlul ‘uqdatan min lisaneeyafqahooqawlee.

It is important the holy Quranic verses stated for this dua, are recited properly in order to get desired results and even to avoid ill effects. For those who are ill-equipped to recite the above mentioned dua accurately, it is recommended they should rather go with the Taveez option.

You can always approach an Islamic Astrologer who has knowledge of performing powerful wazifa . You can ask for specific dua for good memory and intelligence and get an energized Taveez, from the expert Astrologer. Wearing the Taveez gets you in Allah’s grace and infuse in you, extraordinary intelligence and a powerful memory.

Such will be the power of The Taveez energized by performing it, that when you wear it your entire being will undergo a transformation. The way you think, feel and process information will be alleviated to an understanding that is achieved with higher consciousness.

Dua for increasing intelligence

If you are among the people who don’t have a sharp memory and you are a slow learner, then you have to face so many issues in a future life. There may be so many reasons for this issue but you have to find out the root cause and work on it.

Concentration is very much important when it comes to learn and remember anything. If you don’t have a sharp memory and you are in the habit of forgetting the things, then life is not going to be perfect for you. There are so many techniques to improve your memory power and learning skills.

If you don’t have good knowledge and sharp memory then you will not be able to grasp and remember even after reading notes, books, and powerpoint matters multiple times. If you are worried about your upcoming exams then you should try some tips that help boost memory.

Whether you are preparing for PMT, GRE or any other competitive exam, the focus is very important. You can’t get good grades or admission in top universities if you have the problem of forgetting the things. You may be very much worried about your exams. If you are looking for some sort of magic that can boost your memory and learning power, then you should look for dua for increasing intelligence.

Allah can make everything possible and if you read this dua for increasing intelligence with good intention, then you will get good results. You will surely see some improvement.  You will be more focused and you will be able to learn, remembers and understand.

This is the ultimate way to make your memory perfect and increase learning power. If you believe in Allah and miracles, then you will surely try this way.

Dua For Having A Good Memory

Those people who don’t have good memory they have to deal with so many issues. If you are a student and preparing for the competitive exam, then it is must for you to remember each and everything. But sometimes you find hard to keep them in your memory as you don’t have a sharp memory. You are in the habit of forgetting the things that make it difficult for you to get good marks and crack these exams.

A sharp memory is not only the needs of students. This is must for housewives, working men and women, students and each and every person. Forgetting the things frequently may make your life difficult and you will not be able to deal with so many issues let alone group discussions.

If you are worried about your poor memory, then you have to try dua for having a good memory. You need to ask Allah to improve your memory and learning power and make you able to concentrate on the things.  You can ask Allah to enlighten your path and offers you the light of understanding.

If you read this dua for having good memory honestly wholeheartedly then you can take yourself out from the darkness of doubt. Allah will surely open the door of knowledge and wisdom for you if he gets pleased with your efforts.

You should work on the things as per the instructions of an expert Molvi. If you read this dua for having a good memory in the right manner as per the instructions of Molvi, you will surely get your path enlightened by Allah.   You have to try dua for having a good memory so that you can boost your memory and learning power.

Dua For Concentration In Studies

I am not an intelligent guy and I find it difficult to solve the difficult problems from the books. am not even able to concentrate on Class or lectures. and I want to learn so many things and concentrate on the lectures but I don’t know what makes my mind diverted.

it was a very focused and intelligent student and used to get good grades but now things have changed. so I am in the habit of lingering on the works and skipping lectures. have big goals and dreams in life and I know I can’t achieve my goals without concentrating on the studies.

This is the peak time of my life as I am also preparing for so many entrance exams, competitive tests, and many such examinations. I don’t even have an idea about the hard work I am going to put for cracking these exams.

not prepared anything completely yet and left so many important topics.  did not attend the important sessions in coaching classes and now I am very much worried about my exams. me seen so many students who were average but now they are doing well in the studies. They are more focused than me.  now I want to learn so many things and lack of concentration stopping me to do so.

Is there any way to make things normal? Will I be able to concentrate on studies? Will the things be under control? Can I still put my efforts to achieve my goals to crack the exams and get good grades? Well, you can, you should try dua for concentration in studies and Ask Allah to mend your way and offer you an ability to deal with so many such difficulties.

Dua For Memory Improvement

There are so many people who don’t have a good memory and they have to face so many challenges in school, college, and workplace and at home. Nothing can make their life easy and they have to work on their brain power. There may be so many reasons for lack of sharp memory and people work on these factors.

Sometimes they get the best results, but sometimes they get nothing. If you have already tried so many tricks to improve your memory and boost learning skills and you did not get good results, then you should try an ultimate way to win the situation. Yes, we are talking about dua for memory improvement.

Nothing is impossible if you make Allah pleased with your efforts. You need to get the right dua for memory improvement from the Molvi. He will also suggest you the right way to read this dua for memory improvement. You can read it as per the instruction and remember you have good intentions while reading it. Allah accepts the dua for memory improvement from the pure and genuine soul. If you are determined and genuine, then only you are allowed to put your efforts and ask Allah to help you.

Nothing can stop you from getting fame at the workplace, good marks in exam and recognition in each and every field. Knowledge is power. If you have good knowledge and best learning skills, you can rock the world. You have to try dua for memory improvement to get the appreciation, good grades, job promotion, and many such benefits.

You can ask Allah to improve your learning skills and boost your memory and it will surely work.  Allah will help boost your brain power and learning skills. You will be more focused.

Dua To Become More Intelligent

I am an intelligent girl but now there are so many girls in my class who are more intelligent than me. I want to win the competition every time and I work hard for it. Sometimes I get disappointed when I don’t get the results or more marks than other girls.

am want to be more intelligent so I work hard. I have tried my best but still, I am not getting good or desired results. There are so many people who have suggested some ways and remedies boost brain power and I tried them, but I felt no changes. I am not expecting a miracle but at least I should be paid for my efforts and hard work.

I am worried about my grades this year as there are so many students who are competitive and doing well. Some students have chances to get good grades and top positions but I can’t accept this fact. I have to be more intelligent and focused. Is there any technique to make it possible? Will the things be sorted out? Can I get the good ranks? What to do? I don’t have an idea about the solution to my problem.

If you are worried about your memory or intelligence issue, then better consult with a Molvi. He will surely provide you with the dua to become more intelligent and you can knock the door of Allah for helping you in getting good grades. If you read this dua to become more intelligent with faith and devotion, you will surely get the best results.

Allah will accept your dua to become more intelligent and efforts. You will surely experience some good results. You have to pray Allah to enlighten your path and make you more focused and intelligent so that you can achieve your goals.

Dua For Brain Power

If you are among the people who have kids with the underdeveloped mind, then it is going to be very difficult for the kinds and you as well. Some mentally weak kids have to face so many issues in life. School and learning new things can be the most difficult part of such kids.

Lack of intelligence and an inactive memory have the solution and many people have tried them. Some people got the results why other people are still wondering the ways to boost the memory or brain power of their kids.

Lack of intelligence and concentration can be a big hurdle and if students have this issue, then they will surely find they unable to recalling study lesson, memorize the things or solving the mathematical problems.  Grabbing can be hard for them. If you or your kids having such a memory issue, then you can’t be fit in this competitive world. You will not be able to survive here.

Students get really very disappointed when they get their report card with a low grade. This is a sort of comparison among you and other students where you are declared as the worst. When you get failed, you find the situation embarrassing. Sometimes these rejections, failures, and comments can bring discontentment and lack of excitement towards life and learning the new things.

If you really have this thought then you should avoid thinking like this as things can change. You can boost your brain power and be more intelligent. just need to read the accurate dua for brain power and you will surely find the solution to get out of this stressful condition. will surely be able to cope up with situations.  Allah can only help you and provide you with the best solution to go for dua for brain power.

Dua For Smartness

I am an average student and sometimes I find it difficult to cope up with the difficult circumstances. I get disappointed and hopeless easily as I am low on confidence. There are so many things happened to me in life that becomes the main cause of my low self-esteem. I know, being smart and active is the need of today’s world and you can only survive if you are smart and intelligent. I have worked on so many projects and I am good at learning but I lack smartness.

Some students in my class are very smart and they try to do the practice in a very different manner. They also you smart tricks to solve the puzzle or match questions. I want to be like them as I am not smart enough. This feeling makes me less confident and I find them superior than me. I have started doubting my capabilities now and I know this is not good.

I have so many dreams and I want to fulfill them and I know I have to be very smart to achieve the aims of my life. Is there any way to be smarter? Can someone help me get my wish to be smart fulfilled? Will I be able to boost my smartness and self-confidence?

There are so many issues and questions you are dealing with, but your issues have only one solution. You can try dua for smartness as Allah never makes anyone disappointed. If you are a genuine guy and have good intentions, then Allah will accept your dua for smartness and offer you a good life. There is nothing to worry about. Once you make Allah accept your dua for smartness, you will surely see some improvement in life.

Dua To Have An Intelligent Baby

There are so many parents who want their kids to be super intelligent and active. Some parents get such active and intelligent kids while others have to compromise on so many things. If you are among the parents who have a less active kid with an underdeveloped mind, then this is really sad news for you.

Having an intelligent and brilliant baby is dreams of many. If you want to get your kids treated then there are so many ways to do so. You should consult with a doctor and try a good diet; medicines and psychological counseling that surely work. If you have already tried it and nothing happened, then you better try dua to have an intelligent baby.

This dua to have an intelligent baby is all about boosting the growth of your kid in a positive manner. Your kid will surely have improved brain and memory. He will start learning new things and his learning skills will improve. He will be more focused and agile. If he has lost his self-esteem, then the impact of this dua to have an intelligent baby will bring his lost confidence back and he/she will understand how to cope up with the difficult situations.

You need to get this dua to have an intelligent baby from Molvi. You can also start reading it during your pregnancy to have an intelligent baby. If you already have a kid with underdeveloped mind then you can also use this dua to have an intelligent baby. You will surely see some positive results. He/she will start learning new things and his/her concentration will increase. You will have an intelligent and smart child.

Allah can make each and everything possible and easier so you better go in the right direction and try dua to have an intelligent baby to get the best results.

Dua For A Sharp Mind

I really wonder how some people have a really wonderful and sharp memory and they give a quick answer when someone asks any questions from them.  I have so many friends in my class who know each and everything and they know how to do smart work rather than hard work.

Sometimes I really find it difficult to keep remembering the dates, events, texts and many such things and now I am very much worried about this issue. I have so many goals in life and without having the sharp memory I can’t work on them. I have tried each and every possible trick to make my memory sharp but now things are very much difficult.

Is there any ultimate tip to make the mind sharp? Will I be able to be the people who have sharp memory? Can you suggest me the way to make my memory sharp and boost my brain?

No doubt, people have such thoughts when they see other people work smartly using their sharp brains and it is also possible in your case. You seriously need not to worry about, as you have the best way to boost your memory. Yes, we are talking about dua for a sharp mind. This is the direct way to get connected with Allah and knock the door of happiness.

You can use this dua for a sharp mind with good intention and you should recite this dua for a sharp mind in right manner else you will not get the desired results. Some people have already tried it and achieve their goals to be smart with a sharp mind.

You can also make it possible in your case as this is the best, effective and safe way to make the mind sharp, so go for it.

Dua For Becoming Active

ya I am very lazy and I take lots of time in reacting or taking actions.  have lost so many opportunities in life due to my laziness.  find myself difficult to taking decisions when it comes to so many options at the same time. me  have seen a tough time in life and I have struggled a lot. Now I am fed up and need a solution to all my problems.

My laziness never let me act fast and take the right decision at right time. Although I understand the need for being active in life as it impacts your whole life but still I am not able to be agile and work actively.

am never participate in any event or social welfare activities due to my laziness and slow mind. I want to be active like other people around me. They work hard and take participation in each and every event. I have seen them so many times in their ups and downs of life.

They faced all the challenges and difficulties of life with smartness and activeness. Nothing seems impossible in their cases. I want to be like such active people. I have prepared my mind for it but now I need an ultimate trick to get my wish fulfilled.

If you have already prepared your mind then nothing can stop you from getting an active and sharp mind. You should look for the dua for becoming active as this is the only way that brings the desired results. There are so many people who have tried this dua for becoming active and got positive outcomes.

Only Allah can help you in making you active and sharp. You should pray to Allah and ask him to help you and offer you the best opportunities in life.

Dua For Someone Who Is Sick

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