Dua For Dushman Ki Zuban Bandi

Dua For Dushman Ki Zuban Bandi

Dua For Dushman Ki Zuban Bandi, We all are troubled by enemies at some point or the other in our lives. People who are around us or in our known circle have a different relationship with us. At times I find it so funny that people, who don’t even know you, think bad for you. For making friends so much of efforts are needed and to make enemies, none. People can get jealous with you, for absolutely no reason. There are enemies all around you. In your neighborhood, in the office, near your shop and even inside your own home.

Dua For Dushman Ki Zuban Bandi

Dua For Dushman Ki Zuban Bandi

The matter becomes all the worse when these people spread their toxicity. Run their mouths especially to the people. Talk things about you which are not true. There are many hadiths in Islam which says that there is no bigger than troubling your neighbors. And, not only neighbors for the matter of fact anybody. Each and every person has the right to dignity and also the right to privacy. People these days want to get involved in people’s lives as much as they can.

Zuban bandi ka naksha

There can be many reasons to have an enemy. There are people who get jealous to you for your money, job, business and even your happiness. And, people can go to any extent to harm you. I am sure not a single person reading this is not troubled by an enemy. We all are. You cannot go and explain every person, who you exactly are. And, you shouldn’t either. We all have the right to live in harmony. But, peace is something which so hard to find.

Life becomes more difficult when your enemy lives in your own house or around it. When you have to come across that person almost daily. And, if you want or not, there are clashes, mouth running and abuses. Even your own blood has severe relation. One brother is enemy of the other, daughters are fighting over property. Children are standing against their own parents.

When evil enters a human body, he acts no less than a devil. There is no fear of Allah the Almighty in him. They don’t see whether it is day or night and don’t leave a chance to demean you. Maybe we have learnt to hate people more. Our hearts have no love in them. Compromise is something which we can’t do.

Dushman ka muh band karne ke liye wazifa

If you are troubled by an enemy and he has made your life difficult. You enemy abuses you all the time and there are constant fights. When this happens, there is not one person but the entire family suffers. Especially when there are children with you. All this have a bad effect on them and they suffer silently. People are so evil these days no matter what you do, they look for chances to harm you. If you are crossing the street they will abuse you for no reason.

There is no need to suffer. If Allah is with you then indeed nobody can harm you. He always comes first for the help of those, who need it the most. You should always remember the fact that your every action good or bad is accounted for. He will do justice for all your troubles in no time. And your enemy will suffer, inshallah. It all will happen to him in no time. You will see the justice of Allah with your own eyes.

Just don’t worry and have a little patience. Don’t lose hope. Ask Allah constantly to grant you help and he will. In every single namaz of yours, speak to Allah all your troubles. Let him know how desperately you need his help. Allah can understand your misery and he will give you the solution. Firstly. Learn to stand for yourself and your family. The more you become weak the more people will dominate you.

Dushman ki zuban bandi ka taweez

This is how life functions. Stop being dependent and miserable. Don’t give people a chance to stand over you. It is good to be good but equally essential to be bad. Allah stands with those who stand for themselves. So be strong and face your enemy with all your power. Ask Allah to give you the strength and he will inshallah give you the courage.


There are many duas in Qur’an which you can read to block your enemy’s tongue. The moment you see your enemy you can recite the following duas. This will give you instant relief.

Dua 1

The dua is as follows:

“Summum bukmun umiyun fahum layarjiyum” this dua is so powerful that if you read it and blow it on the dog. And, if he is about to attack you will turn away instantly. This dua will make your enemy deaf, dumb and blind. You can recite it as much as you can and blow it on your enemy.

Dushman ki zuban bandi ka amal

This is the most powerful dua which you can do to get rid of your enemy. This will seal the tongue of your enemy forever. The moment your enemy will see you he will change his path. The dua is as follows:

“Inna A’ataynaa kalkawsar, fasalli lirabbika wanhar, inna shaniyaka huwal abtar”. The meaning of the dua is, indeed we have granted you, O’ Muhammad, al-kausar. So pray to Allah and sacrifice to him alone. And your enemy is the one to cut off. This dua can be recited any time and as many times as you want.

Make legitimate dua to Allah. Make him your guide and your saviour. Ask him to protect you and your family always. Don’t be afraid as you will get through this soon. Your enemy will soon turn away. And you will be able to live in peace. Life has phases, sometimes it is good and sometimes it is bad. Indeed, it just one bad phase and soon it will be over. May Allah give you strength to fight the evil. Ease your path and stand for you when you are in need. Ameen.


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Wazifa For In Laws Love

This entry was posted in Dua.